XWORLD, Stage 11: A detour to the Olympic Games – from Ulan-Bator to Peking
The eleventh stage of the XWORLD Tour 2008/2009 was a journey rich in experiences, but with obstacles. From Ulan-Bator it went via the desert regions of country-regionMongolia and finally by air to the Olympic Games in Peking – entry into China with the off-road vehicles was not possible.
Impressions of Stage 11: Ulan-Bator – Peking 26.7. - 9.9.2008
- 27.7.2008: Ulan-Bator
- 28.7.2008: Oginuur
- 28.7.2008: Oginuur
- 28.7.2008: Oginuur
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 29.7.2008: Karakorum
- 30.7.2008: Orchon
- 30.7.2008: Orchon
- 31.7.2008: Mandalovo
- 31.7.2008: Mandalovo
- 31.7.2008: Mandalovo
- 1.8.2008: Gobi
- 1.8.2008: Gobi
- 2.8.2008: Bayandalay
- 2.8.2008: Bayandalay
- 2.8.2008: Bayandalay
- 3.8.2008: Vulture Gorge
- 3.8.2008: Mandalgobi
- 4.8.2008: Delgerzogt
- 4.8.2008: Delgerzogt
- 4.8.2008: Delgerzogt
- 4.8.2008: Delgerzogt
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking
- 6.8.2008: China, Peking