General information on Western Europe (Switzerland, Austria, France, Benelux)
Switzerland, Austria, France, Belgium and the Netherlands are in the centre of Western Europe. A broad range of culture and cuisine, as well as many untouched beauty spots can be found here. From the Alps to the North Sea there is a broad range of things to see. The cities of Amsterdam and Brussels (capital of the EU), the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Zurich and Vienna are just some of the highlights of these countries. A trip on the canals of the Netherlands, the Pyrenees, Lake Zurich and the Alps will be unforgettable. Nor should the local cuisine be forgotten. Mozart chocolate balls in Vienna, Switzerland's irresistible chocolate, or fine-tasting wine and cheese in France - you will come upon all of these en route.
Switzerland, Austria, France, the Netherlands and Belgium are in Western Europe. Some border not only one another but also Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Andorra, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Hungary and the Czech and Slovak Republics.
These countries are predominantly in temperate latitudes. The climate in Europe, compared to areas of the same latitude in other parts of the earth, is milder because of the influence of the relatively warm Gulf Stream. Temperature fluctuations during the year are relatively small in most areas of this part of the world. There are cool winters and mild summers. Temperature differences are only more significant during the different seasons in areas which are far from the sea, and thus also far from its balancing effect on the climate.
During the day we recommend that light, functional clothing and comfortable shoes are worn. For the evenings and cooler days, a jacket and sweater are most suitable.
Food and cuisine will vary in each country and will have something for all tastes.
Accommodation is of a European standard throughout.
The currency used in Switzerland is the Swiss franc. 1 Euro corresponds to ~ 1.62 Swiss francs. In all other countries the Euro is used.
You can usually make international calls from your hotel or mobile phone without difficulties. The international dialing code for Germany is 0049, for Austria 0043, France 0033, the Netherlands 0031, Belgium 0032 and for Switzerland 0041. The emergency numbers are 112 in Switzerland, 144 in Austria, 17 in France, 112 in the Netherlands and 112 in Belgium.
Medical care
Medical provision in all countries is very good throughout and comparable with German standards. If you require certain drugs daily, however, ensure that you have adequate supplies of these with you.
We recommend checking general vaccination protection – diphtheria, tetanus and polio. We further recommend vaccinating against hepatitis A, B and typhoid. The traveler should obtain information and seek medical advice in good time about preventing infection and vaccinations, as well as about other prophylactic measures. We would refer you in particular to the general information available from health authorities, doctors experienced in travel medicine, doctors of tropical medicine, travel medicine information services or the Federal Centre for Health Education [Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung].
Mains voltage is generally 220 V, frequency 50 Hz.
Customs & excise
Among these countries, only Switzerland does not belong to the EU. The most important customs regulations for Switzerland are: 200c igarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g tobacco (or proportional composition); alcoholic drinks: 2 liters up to 15 % by volume, 1 liter over 15 % by volume. For all other countriesEU regulations on the import and export of goods apply. Within the EU internal market, private individuals may import goods from other member states without restriction. However, there are so-called guideline amounts for goods subject to excise, up to which level private use is assumed.
In general, the rules of behavior are the same as in Germany.
The countries are considered safe countries for travel. However, to avoid difficulties, do not leave things lying around unsupervised, keep your valuables on your person and always keep a careful eye on what is happening around you.