General information on Bulgaria, Rumania and the Ukraine
Bulgaria, Rumania and the Ukraine, the fascination of Eastern Europe. On the one hand, it is the cultural and natural richness which draws one in. On the other, it is the apparently relaxed ways of life in comparison to German culture, combined with the fantastic landscape, which makes these countries attractive. In addition to the many sights from 5000 years of history, the countries have breathtaking and varied natural treasures. These include not just the wild Carpathian mountains, so thinly-populated that for days, one can walk alone and take a break from civilization, but also the Crimea, which exudes the Mediterranean flair of the south coast of France in addition to many sights. Superb, lively sandy beaches, fine cathedrals, monasteries and relics of socialist charm. It is this combination which gives these countries their unique flair and makes them so fascinating.<strong/>
The time difference compared to Central Europe is one hour ahead, in both summer and in winter.
Bulgaria, Rumania and the Ukraine are in South-East Europe. They border on Russia, Moldavia, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, the Slovak Republic, Hungary and White Russia. All countries have a Black Sea coast and mountain ranges running through them.
The area is affected by a temperate continental transitional climate, with gentle oceanic influences in the south-west and an excessively continental climate in the north-east.
Warm summers, a sunny autumn and cold snowy winters predominate. A Mediterranean climate prevails on the Black Sea coast. Precipitation on the Black Sea coast averages 400 mm a year, while in the higher mountain areas of the Carpathians it rains about three times as much.
The Rumanian cuisine has both a rich tradition and many influences from the country's turbulent history. It shares goulash (called "tocanà" in Rumania) and stuffed peppers with Hungary, stuffed vine leaves (sarmale), eggplant puree ("zacuscà") and sheep's cheese dishes with Greece, sour soups ("ciorbe") and sweet food based on honey like "baclava" and "sarailie" with Turkey. The wide variety of wines suit most Rumanian dishes, but the beers brewed in the country are also known beyond the region.
The Ukrainian cuisine is wide-ranging and incorporates elements from various European cooking traditions (above all Polish, German, Jewish, Turkish and Hungarian).
The Bulgarian cuisine is exposed to oriental and European influences, especially from Turkey, Greece, Austria and France. There are many very high-fat dishes with various herbs (thyme, oregano, dill, savory, parsley and wild herbs) and high-vitamin salads made of tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, onions, carrots and garlic.
Accommodation ranges from luxury hotels on the Black Sea coast through mid-range hotels down to guest houses and monasteries. In smaller towns and rural areas, the hotels are often still of the old Socialist style, with small rooms and old-fashioned furniture. Even if Western standards have not been reached in terms of furniture and bathrooms, efforts are made to provide cleanliness and warm hospitality for guests.
Currency in the Ukraine is the hryvnia. 1 € ~ 6.1 hryvnia.
The currency in Bulgaria is the lev. 1 lev ~ 0.51 €.
The currency in Rumaniais the leu. 1 leu ~ 0.30 €.
Credit cards are accepted in larger hotels and businesses, in good restaurants and various agencies. Eurocheques can be cashed at relatively high bank commission rates.
You can usually make international calls from your hotel or from post offices without difficulties. You can often dial directly from your room. Mobile phones usually work without problems in all larger towns. The code for Germany from the Ukraine is 81049, from Bulgaria 0049, Rumania 0049 and from Germany to the Ukraine 0038, to Bulgaria 00359, Rumania 0040. The emergency number in the Ukraine is 155, in Bulgaria it is 150 and in Rumania it is 961
Medical care
Medical care is not guaranteed in all cases. In the Ukraine, Bulgaria and Rumania, the water is not always clean, so mains water should be boiled before being drunk or used if possible. If you require certain drugs regularly, please bring adequate supplies of these with you. We also recommend checking general vaccination protection – diphtheria, tetanus and polio. We further recommend vaccinating against hepatitis A, B and typhoid and possibly also against rabies. If you require certain drugs daily, however, please ensure that you have adequate supplies of these with you.
The traveler should obtain information and seek medical advice in good time about preventing infection and vaccinations, as well as about other prophylactic measures. We would refer you in particular to the general information available from health authorities, doctors experienced in travel medicine, doctors of tropical medicine, travel medicine information services or the Federal Centre for Health Education [Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung].
Mains voltage is generally 220 V, frequency 50 Hz in all countries. For the Ukraine we recommend taking intermediate adapters, as often only devices with flat plugs can be used without adapters.
Customs & excise
The following articles can be imported into Bulgaria, Rumania and the Ukraine duty-free: 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g tobacco, 1 l spirits, 2 l wine, 100 g eau de toilette and 50 g perfume. If you are unsure whether the goods or currency you are importing need to be declared, fill in a written customs declaration on arrival at immigration.
The Rumanians are proud of their Roman ancestors. More elevated social strata tend to be Francophiles, so it is an advantage if a foreigner speaks French. However, a basic grounding in Italian or Latin will also enable you to work out a great many Rumanian words. In Rumania, ladies are greeted with a kiss to the hand. Among friends, embracing, kissing on the cheek and slapping on the back are standard, as in other Latin countries.
Even though you are welcomed to Bulgaria most warmly as a tourist, it is as well to remember that you are a guest, not a king. It is good form to observe the culture and customs of one's hosts. With an average income of approx. 100 – 150 Euros per person, Bulgaria is a very poor country - please take account of this in your dealings with its people.
In the Ukraine, people have a very sweet mentality - they are very open and hospitable. Of course, life in the Ukraine is very different from the German way of life and this can lead to intercultural misunderstandings. However, if you are prepared to accept the culture of your host country and the rules of the Ukraine, you will get to know a wonderful country.
Restraint when photographing is required, above all in regions with a Muslim population. Although photography is usually permitted in mosques, you should always ask first. Photography is usually strictly forbidden in museums and churches. As is the case everywhere, military installations may not be photographed.
The countries are generally considered safe countries for travel. However, there is a higher risk of theft than in other European countries. To prevent problems, vehicles should be left in supervised car parks in large towns. Valuables and luggage should not be left in the car or otherwise unsupervised. We also recommend that you do not wear ostentatious jewelry or display large quantities of money in public; you should keep valuables on your person and always keep a careful eye on what is happening around you.
Stages in Rumania
Istanbul-Astrakhan |

This information has been compiled to the best of our knowledge, however this may be subject to change. We are not liable for the accuracy of the stated information.